There is no “I” in “Team”

lindajanet2Janet and I have worked together for nine years and are teammates in the best sense of the word. Teamwork is an essential tool for a busy work environment and collaboration between co-workers increases productivity, ensures that the department runs efficiently, and makes for a less stressful work environment. We support each other not only on day-to-day tasks in the office, but non work-related events as well. We feel very fortunate to have a great working relationship.

Both of us have grown kids who are in the process of getting ready to, or have already, “left the nest”. Janet’s son, Thomas, is furthering his education in Canada, and my twin daughters, Kathleen and Sarah, are about to embark on an adventure of their own, leaving Massachusetts to move across the country. It’s an emotional time for a parent because change is not always easy, but it is essential for growth for a parent, as well as a child. What is supportive in the day-to-day work environment is having a co-worker who is going through a similar situation who can lend a sympathetic ear or give an encouraging word to bring a sense of ease during an emotional time. Teamwork strengthens the working relationship.

By Linda and Janet – Insurance Specialists

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