August 20, 2020
Dear Patient,
The last several months have been extremely stressful and frustrating for everyone. We continue to be grateful that we have the privilege of counting you as our patient. Thank you for entrusting your oral health to us.
We were able to begin seeing patients for routine and preventive care beginning at the end of May. To do this, many new requirements were mandated by the CDC, MA Department of Public Health and by our own goal of keeping all our patients and staff as safe as is possible in these challenging times.
As a result, we must limit the number of people in our office and treatment rooms at one time. This has resulted in scheduling fewer appointments and having to put some restrictions on who can accompany a minor to an appointment. We want to assure you that none of these decisions were entered into lightly, the safety of our patients is our primary concern.
Sometimes this will result in the need to cancel an appointment you have scheduled, or inform you that because of the age of your child and the type of procedure they are having they will need to come into the office without you. These are difficult, but necessary conversations to have. We are asking you to please have patience and understand that our staff on the phone are doing their best to accommodate and help you. Management and Partners are always available to hear your concerns.
Because of the shortage of appointments, it is extremely important to make sure that you can keep the appointment time you chose. Many other people are on waiting lists to schedule. When you fail to show up for yours that means we have a doctor or hygienist who could have been taking care of another patient who has been waiting for an appointment. As a reminder, we do have a broken and cancelled within 24-hour fee policy. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping your scheduled appointments.
We are hopeful that at some point we will be able to regain some sense of normalcy, but in the meantime be assured that we are doing everything possible to keep you and your family safe while providing the absolute best dental care available.
Thank you for your patience.
Dental Associates of Walpole